Our School
Daily Schedule
Our curriculum is culturally relevant and responsive:
We represent multicultural identities in the curriculum, and engage students in developmentally appropriate anti-bias learning experiences building their capacity to competently engage with issues of identity, power, privilege, and social-justice.
City Language Immersion Charter
(Grades TK-5)
City Language Immersion Charter (CLIC) is a Spanish language immersion elementary school located in West Adams. Through our progressive, constructivist and language immersion program our Kindergarten through 5th grade students become creative and curious thinkers who ask questions and express ideas fearlessly in two languages, and are prepared for a lifetime of critical thinking, meaningful work, and ongoing service to causes greater than themselves.
K-5 Developmental Progressions
K-2nd Grade Span Outcomes
3rd-5th Grade Span Outcomes
SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and Cultural Competence
Health, Wellness, and My Identity
How do I achieve and maintain my physical, mental, and social well-being?
How do I care for my body and mind as I change and grow, and how do I create healthy habits?
How do my actions affect my relationships, and how can I foster positive relationships in my life?
How do I take care of my own mental, emotional and physical health and safety in relationships?
How does society view and portray gender and sexuality, and how does that affect how I view myself and others?
Personal Growth and Social Impact
How can I build my mindset, knowledge, and skills to achieve personal growth and have a positive impact on my community?
How do I develop a growth mindset that will propel me toward success?
How do I deeply understand learning opportunities and problems and collaborate to come up with answers and solutions?
How do I understand the community/world around me and take action toward positive impact?
What resources do I have that I can use to improve my community?
Creating a Safe, Inclusive, Supportive Community
What is a safe, supportive and inclusive community and how can I help creating that environment in my school and beyond?
How can I help create an environment where we can all feel welcome, included, and safe so we can all learn and grow together?
How can we apply skills and work together to resolve conflicts and maintain an inclusive and loving community?
Why should I value differences and how do we make sure everyone feels included and gets what they need to succeed?
Cultural Competence
What does it mean to be culturally competent, and how can being culturally competent make me a better learner, leader, and change agent?
Who am I and how is my lived experience the same or different from others?
What are my assumptions about others, and how do these assumptions impact my thoughts and actions?
How do stereotypes, racism, prejudice and bias impact society?
How do I recognize my privilege and advocate for those who do not have the same privilege?